Sunday, June 26, 2022

June Sunshine

 Good Morning, 

Here we are almost through another month and it is just starting to feel like summer is upon us.  The past few months have had some trying times for me with my ankle.  I broke it back in February and it seems to be a long journey.  I am still not driving and to say it has slowed be down is an under statement.  Anyways onward and upward as they say.  

I have been enjoying my side gig, my online quilt studio.  Many new things to grasp and who would have thought buying fabric would be tough?  So many choices and so little time.  I was asked the other day if I sold time as well, this made me giggle because there is so much truth to that.  We love fabric and just want it all.  I call it my retirement fund, when we will have that so called time.

As we move through this next season I am  making sure that I do take the time to do the things that make my heart happy. The laundry can wait, the dusting can wait - life is far to short to sweat the small stuff. 

Anyways enjoy this warm sunny Sunday! 


Friday, June 10, 2022

How can it be June already?

 Well here we are moving right along through 2022.  The past couple years have been a time we all will never forget. Did you ever think the world would come to a complete halt and we would learn to stay home?  I think in many ways it made us slow down and really look within and get back to the basics.  I have three boys and they have learned to graduate from high school without a prom, do studies from university and college online. I have one son graduated from high school not in the same way his older two brothers did and one graduated from college like it was just another day.  Last month my oldest son graduated from university and we had the honor to watch him walk across the stage.  This was the most wonderful feeling, is what we know as normal slowly returning.  I do think that we have all learned many things these past couple years and that is to adapt, be kind and open minded.  At the beginning of this year in February I decided to follow a dream and have my own quilt shoppe, I purchased QuiltBitz.  I am enjoying this new journey and all that it brings.  After all now I have a reason to build a stash....  As I sit and type this blog another new thing, I find myself reflecting and realizing that if you want something or would like to do something do it, don't wait.... "Take the Trip - Buy the Shoes - Eat the Cake" We all know that things can change just like that.  Have a beautiful day!