Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Unity Quilt Mystery Progress


by Bonnie Hunter - Quiltville

Four weeks ago I started the Unity Quilt Along and thought I would update you on my progress.


Wow, it seems so long ago since I started this!  I'm losing track of the days and weeks πŸ˜’

I remember how fun it was to start digging around in all of my scraps and getting the colors that I needed.  Sorting them into color piles and labelling little scrap bags with the size of each of the strips.  Some of these fabrics have been around for eons and it is time they either were donated, get used up or hit the dump.  It really felt good to start some organizing on the scrap mess I have.

Great sewing directions from Bonnie Hunter ensured that everything squared up to the correct size.  I am noticing on Instagram that there are people joining all the time so it is not too late to get your scraps pulled out and get startedπŸ˜€.  It is fun and sure keeps your mind occupied!


Here is my quilt after week two additions.  Just a little (lot) more cutting and organizing .... getting behind just a little bit ...

I am liking the scrappiness - although a little concerned it might be looking a little more U.S.A. than I wanted.  Maybe I can pump up the gold fabrics more in future weeks?


Oh, my, the cutting of tiny squares and rectangles! This took a while.  Getting all the little pieces cut and organized on my big design board - I LOVE these boards that I made using the tutorial by Lori Holt (there is also a YouTube video).

I made both the little ones and the bigger one and use them constantly.

Then the sewing .... 36 little 4.5" stars to make 😐- I am getting a little further behind for sure.

This is not my only project I am working on and I'm still doing orders and deliveries, so these little darlings are getting a few seams here and there when I can get to them.

They are cute though and as each one is finished and set in place there is a little flicker of happiness in seeing it coming together.  I hope to finish these little stars today (April 22) - fourteen are complete and the rest just need the top and bottom rows sewn on - then attached to the quilt center.  Easy peasy - right?

The new clue came out on Monday - so I'm already two days behind on that one.  The blocks for this week are a bit bigger so maybe that will help me out in getting them done this week.  I do need to do a few other things that are pressing so I need to remind myself to take everything as it comes and RELAX.  Life is not a race!

I have a couple of more scrap bags/bins that I have my eye on that also need organizing so maybe I will get sidetracked with that and find even more golds, reds and blues.  We have the luxury right now of doing things that we have been putting off - answering to ourselves for the most part.  Just a little bit freeing maybe?

I'm still having fun making this quilt and really appreciate how well-written Bonnie Hunter's instructions are.  I have noticed on her blog that she has some other beautiful FREE patterns and also some interesting books that she has written.  After this project is done I think I will continue working on downsizing my scrap bin and try another scrap quilt at some point - maybe one a year just to keep things interesting 😁.

What are you doing in your quilting space?  Cleaning?  Sorting? Sewing?

Be sure to keep busy and happy!

'til next time,


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